Compensation & Benefits: Prospectus Directive

In September 2009, the EU Commission proposed amendments to the current Prospectus Directive which would have extended the current exemption under the Directive to cover employee share schemes of all companies, including those not admitted to trading on an European Economic Area (EEA) “regulated market”. […]

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Expatriates: New rules for non-UK domiciled and not ordinarily resident taxpayers

Under the UK tax system those who have a non-UK domicile are entitled to use the remittance basis of taxation whereby only income and gains which they “remit” to the UK is taxable here. So too the remittance basis applies to those individuals who are not ordinarily resident in the UK, but only in relation […]

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Employment: A reminder of the importance of communication in redundancy situations

An EAT case* heard in March underlines the importance to employers of ensuring effectively that employee communication during the redundancy process is not overlooked. In a redundancy situation, an employee who unreasonably refuses an offer of suitable alternative employment made before termination or within four weeks of it has no entitlement to a redundancy payment.  […]

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Employment: Equality Bill 2009 – a wide-ranging reform of discrimination legislation

The Equality Bill 2009 is currently being debated in Parliament, with simultaneous public consultation on specific provisions including the proposed extension of age discrimination laws to the provision of services. The Bill is designed to replace and simplify all existing anti-discrimination legislation in relation to the 9 “protected characteristics” of gender, marital/civil partnership status, sexuality, […]

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Employment: Government launch “helpline” on government enforced employment rights

The service is available to employers and workers for information and advice, and to report breaches of national minimum wage, employment agency standards, working time rules and other matters […]

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