Compensation & Benefits: Amendment to AIM rules to now require disclosure of directors’ remuneration

On 15 December 2009, the London Stock Exchange published AIM Notice 35, detailing proposed amendments to the AIM Rules. […]

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Employment: New legal right to request time off to train

The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (the “Act”), the main provisions of which come into force for businesses with 250 or more employees in April 2010, will give certain qualifying employees the right to request time off from work to train or study. […]

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Compensation & Benefits: ABI – New Executive Remuneration Guidelines and “position paper”

On 15 December 2009, a new version of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) Guidelines was published together with an accompanying position paper on how the Guidelines should be applied […]

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Employment: Using length of service criterion in redundancy selection

Since the introduction of legislation outlawing age discrimination in 2006 employers have generally been advised that “last in first out” or other service-related criteria for redundancy selection are best avoided.  However certain employers had binding redundancy selection processes, often negotiated with trade unions and often including length of service as one of a matrix of […]

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Employment: Compulsory retirement age for all civil servants to be scrapped by 2010

Last October the UK government pledged to remove the compulsory retirement age for all junior civil servants.  The Cabinet Secretary has now promised to do the same for senior civil servants, making the civil service “retirement free”. From April 2010 all civil servants who wish to continue working after 65 will be able to do […]

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