Corporate Services

Our expertise in UK company law is an essential part of our offering to expand your services. Our experience and expertise can expand your service offerings to include:

  • Incorporation services
    Dovetailing with our tax services, we ensure the appropriate choice of corporate vehicle whether a limited company or limited liability partnership (LLP) or other appropriate structure.
  • Documenting ownership agreements
    Appropriately drafted ownership agreements and articles of association are essential to protect rights between members. Poor drafting may lead to unwarranted complexity, non-observance and tax difficulties.

    We help your clients ensure that ownership arrangements form a solid basis to the development of their business and avoid the tax risks which arise from ill-informed provisions.

  • Corporate governance
    Terms of employment and remuneration are governed by an ever-growing body of statutory and non-statutory regulation and transparency requirements in the UK.

    All companies need to be aware of the increasing demands and responsibilities placed on their directors and ensure that their governance regime, while compliant, is structured appropriately for its business needs. From terms of reference for Remuneration Committees to providing directors with training on their responsibilities, we can help your clients achieve a workable and compliant regime.

  • Transaction-related work
    Please see the employmentincentives and tax sections for more information. Please also see here for our integrated Services for Managing Change, reorganisation and restructuring.
  • Financial services and related compliance
    We advise on applicable financial services and other relevant provisions as part of our work with employee share schemes and arrangements involving employee loans (especially in relation to funding share purchases or global mobility taxation), to ensure your clients avoid the criminal and commercial pitfalls of non-compliance.

International Reach

What clients say

The smartest thing we did was adding you to the team.
Abbiss Cadres are ‘go to’ experts for law and tax advice on equity-based remuneration structures. We have worked with the…
Abbiss Cadres provide a hugely valuable extension to the HR services we offer to our clients, ensuring that we can…
Abbiss Cadres are one of the few firms that can offer high quality tax, legal and operational advice on both…
The team at Abbiss Cadres possess expertise that is second to none in relation to complex remuneration structures and share-based…
Abbiss Cadres offer a range of employment related services that are invaluable in our service offering to clients. Whether it…

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