Terminating employment without notice


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18 March 2013
Terminating employment without notice
The Supreme Court has provided guidance on terminating contracts of employment with a payment in lieu of notice. The facts Mr Geys was employed by Société Générale at its London…
6 March 2013
Flexible working Code and Yahoo’s ban on home-working
The public body ACAS has published its draft Code of Practice in advance of the 2014 right to request flexible working from carers to all eligible employees. At the same…
1 March 2013
Your strategic approach to flexible working
2014 heralds new laws which will extend the right to request flexible working from carers to all eligible employees. What are the new laws? During the course of 2014, new…
13 February 2013
Tax relief is due on claw back of bonus
A taxpayer wins his claim for tax relief in relation to the repayment to his employer of part of his sign-on bonus. Background The taxpayer entered into a new employment…
13 February 2013
Changes to unfair dismissal protection
The government has announced major changes to unfair dismissal laws which are expected to take effect from Summer 2013. Background The Government has confirmed that the new compensatory award will…
13 February 2013
Religious principles and the workplace
We now have guidance on the controversial area of religious beliefs that compete with workplace requirements. The UK and European courts have handed down decisions to guide employers who are…
12 February 2013
Tax relief for overseas workdays is extended
The UK Government has announced that overseas workdays relief will be available to all non-UK domiciled new arrivals in the UK. Background Historically, certain non-UK domiciled employees coming to the…
12 February 2013
Final draft legislation on statutory residence test published
The Government has published a final draft of the proposed legislation on the statutory test of UK tax residence. Background Previous articles set out the details relating to the statutory…
31 January 2013
Employee owners
The Government has reported on the outcome of the consultation relating to proposals to create a new status of employee owner. The proposal As we reported in our October article…
11 January 2013
Shares in exchange for employment rights
The Government have announced plans to provide "owner employees" with shares in exchange for giving up employment rights. The scheme - announced yesterday by George Osborne, the Chancellor of the…